Designer Maternity Clothes & Designer Maternity Clothing

Congratulations on Your Pregnancy!
We developed this site as a resource for pregnant woman to shop for maternity wear at all of the popular stores. The maternity clothing stores that we’ve chosen to affiliate ourselves with are made up primarily of the most popular ones including from the maternity mall, which are A Pea in the Pod, Maternity, Motherhood Maternity and Mimi Maternity (Links: 1|2|3) Other maternity stores we have partnered with include Babystyle Maternity, Gap Maternity, Old Navy Maternity and Target Maternity. (1|2|3|4)
Your designer maternity Wardrobe & Your Pregnancy
Once you find out that you are pregnant, you may find yourself eager to go maternity shopping. You don’t need to restrict yourself to oversize jogging bottoms or your partner’s clothes. A range of designer outlets cater for sizes, shapes, lifestyles and occasions. At the beginning of a pregnancy, or the “honeymoon stage”, just the thought of having a baby panics some mums-to-be into making “emergency” buying decisions. Take your time or do it online. The bump shouldn’t begin to show until about week 20 of your pregnancy.

Don’t overlook your feet
It’s easy to concentrate on the tummy and breasts but feet too usually expand during pregnancy. Apart from wider shoes you may want to consider lighter ones (as even the lightest footwear starts to feel very heavy toward the end of term). Sensible is, of course, flatter heels, and soles with a firm grip even on smooth floors (like maternity wards!). Another factor to consider is the ease with which you can put them on. Slip-ons are great as you’d probably want to minimize bending.
Where will you wear the clothes
A good question to ask yourself before you buy designer maternity is when and where you need to plan your maternity wardrobe for: work/functions/summer/winter/beach/weddings. For instance, if you’re looking to purchase them for a work environment and you dress smart then remember, you’re not fat, you’re pregnant. Show off the shape and enjoy the figure! Some other tips: Avoid clothes with big and heavy prints, accessorize imaginatively, avoid extra large handbags, choose comfortably stretchy fabrics that allow you to move freely.
Other well-known designer maternity brands: